Get It Girl, Live!

Homeschool A Genius with Guests Michelle J. Stafford and Stephen R. Stanford II



On tonight's show we will be discussing homeschooling in the 21st Century joining us tonight is Michelle J. Stafford and Stephen R. Stafford II, I am so honored to have them on the show. Michelle Stafford, founder of mocha charm industries, currently serves as an academic advisor to parents in need of acquiring educational resources for their children. With a four year degree in business administration she educated her children to the echelons of high achievement when her 11 year-old son was admitted to Morehouse College as a special student. Her daughter entered high school at the age of 13 and is looking to graduate at 16 with an impressive grade point average after taking honors and AP courses. She now lectures and publishes the tools and methods she used to guide not only her own children to academic excellence but also others. Stephen R. Stafford, II Stephen Stafford, age 12, is Michelle’s son who started Morehouse at age 11. Admitted on a trial basis, Stephen scored the highest