Fitness Boot Camp Inner Circle

Episode #21 Tyler Bramlett from GarageWarrior



In this episode, we interview Tyler Bramlett from Tyler wasn't in great shape when he was younger and inspired to learn more and teach more. His philosophy is teach to learn. Previously a construction worker. Got laid off from his job and was forced to make a change. Got into personal training, ended up being a partner in another owner's cross-training facility. Had four facilities running boot camps with 16 trainers and generating multiple six-figures of revenues. Now runs an online fitness business with 40,000+ in his online community. Tyler talks about everything from picking your focus and running a boot camp, to Predictable Sales Systems and how to hone in on your financial freedom strategy. He also explains why trainers need their CT-50 Featuring his Progressive Movement Technology for their boot camps. Jesse Stoddard, fitness boot camp business coach, personal trainer, and author featured in CNN Money, along with the well-known and highly regarded fitness expert Georgette Pa