Voices On Fire For Christ

When The Blind See Prison Doors Open and Christ is Glorified- Part 3



Isaiah 42 speaks of the Christ as one given for a new covenant and a light to the gentle, that He will open blind eyes and liberate captives. John 9 records and declares the first fruits of that promise.  But this is more than the recording of a miraculous event, the opening of the eyes of a man born blind is recorded by John to teach essential lessons on salvation, deliverance, spiritual warfare and judgement.  Whether you caught Parts 1 & 2 on Omega Man Radio or not, you do not want to miss the conclusion of this message as Pastor Pete addresses the formerly blind man's defense of the gospel, his re-encountering of the Christ and Christ's purpose in this entire event.  Join us Tuesday, June 30 at 7:00 pm at blogtalkradio.com/KQCfire or call in at (646) 721-9917.