Voices On Fire For Christ

Church without Walls: Where the Truth makes free!



Acts 17:24 reminds us that our God is too great to live in temples made by human hands. Many today talk about being "a church without walls;" however, they speak of this from within the four walls of their local church or assembly. But on Sunday, July 26th, the wall come down and the open airwaves will be invaded by the presence of the living God! If you're looking for a FULL GOSPEL Ministry where truth triumphs over culture & entertainment, where captives are liberated, good news is preached and the Spirit is free to move through and transform the lives of human persons, if you're tired of wandering through the wilderness of greasy grace, lethal legalism, and/or empty emotionalism and you just wish someone would point you to that marvelous, balanced narrow road of true saving faith, then Join KQC Ministries for the launch of Church without Walls on Voices on Fire for Christ Sundays at 12:30 pm Eastern.  You never know what will happen when the Spirit of the Living God is in control; but you can rest