Voices On Fire For Christ

Church without Walls: Sharing the Mantle; Preparing a Generation



Acts 17:24 reminds us that our God is too great to live in temples made by human hands. On Sunday, July 26th, the walsl came down, open airwaves were invaded by the presence of the living God and a movement was born. If you're looking for FULL GOSPEL Ministry where truth triumphs over culture & entertainment, where captives are liberated, good news is preached and the Spirit is free to move through and transform lives, if you're tired of wandering through the wilderness of greasy grace, lethal legalism, and/or empty emotionalism, then Join KQC Ministries for  Church without Walls on Blog Talk Radio Sundays at 12:30 pm Eastern.  This week, we rejoin Elijah as he prepares to pass the mantle of prophetic leadership and learn what it means, what it takes and why we must prepare the next generation for the coming of our King!