Pure Hope

Pure Hope #11 Discover & Awaken The Potential in You!



Please Join me with my special guest Mary Mellen! Mary is a Reverend, Human Ecologist,  Life Designer and the Founder & President of “The I-HEAL Institute” short for “The Institute of Human Ecology & Academy for Learning.”  The I-HEAL Institute is a Resource Center in Minneapolis located on the Mississippi River near the U of MN. As a Designer of Life Environments and former head trainer for Tony Robbins- the “Fire walking Guru,” Mary conducts Personal Development Programs designed to Awaken Human Potential. She also promotes Natural Enhancement Products scientifically proven to work that are engineered for Longevity, Health & Wellness. Lastly Mary and her Center serve Communities and Seniors with Housing Development Projects that unite and enhance senior living and well-being.  The I-HEAL Institute’s Mission is “Transformation” and Mary’s intention is to help people Heal their Mind, Body and Spirit while having a Human Experience.  Her  Motto - “Heaven of Earth.” An Environmentalist, Communicat