Pure Hope

Pure Hope #23 Re-wire Me Please. A New Year's Practice of Meditation



Come join Hope on the New Year show in January for a talk about Meditation.  Hope began practicing meditation in 1970s and has practiced doing meditation for over 30 years.  She knows how a daily practice can literally rewire the brain and helps one develop a new kind of relationship with all life.  She will be joined by Rhonda Cannata who has been divinely inspired to birth Ray of Light Enterprises... “Illuminating Magnificence”.  RAY of LIGHT stands for Remembering Always to say YES to Living Into the Glory of your Highest Truth!  This sums up Rhonda’s depth of purpose for her self-proclaimed journey toward a life of positively impacting human potential in service to the greater good. Rhonda and Hope believe whole-heartedly in the unlimited brilliance and potential that lives within every being on the planet.  Rhonda is a self-taught practitioner in the areas of meditation and energy healing-specializing in, and utilizing a variety of modalities.  She will be sharing with us a New Year guided Visualization