Pure Hope

Pure Hope #24 : Kundalini



Nitin S. Adsul will join us on our 24th “Pure Hope Show” Tuesday, February 24th at 7 p.m.  We will be discussing Kundalini Energy! Kundalini is described within the Eastern religions as a spiritual tradition an indwelling spiritual energy that can be awakened in order to purify the subtle system and ultimately bestow upon us the divine union with the Beloved!  Kundalini is described as a lying “coiled energy” at the base of the spine, represented as either a Goddess or sleeping serpent waiting to be awakened to the true seeker of Truth.  In this program you will learn symptoms of Kundalini awakening and descriptions of Kundalini rising.  This is a very intriguing subject that will help you understand how quantum transformation can take place.   Nitin S. Adsul is a CCA Certified Personal Life Coach, an Award winning Filmmaker who serves as a guide to individuals for growth in personal and professional life.  His services via Personal Coaching, Energy healing, Energy Activation Workshops/Lectures, Films and D