Pure Hope

Pure Hope #25 What's New?



“What’s New?” is our topic this month on the Pure Hope Show with our returning guest this month “Miss. Shirley Bolstok”.  Our DNA is changing and the Earth Mother is ascending with our DNA changes.  Shirley is very excited to share with us new up to date information and material about the energies of the number 6 and 8.  We will also be discussing the new Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies that coincide with these numbers.  She is an expert at connecting with famous, well known cross over’s and I have asked her to bring in leaders that can help us or give us advice on the current earth changes or happenings.  Such as Gandhi and perhaps Martin Luther King.  She will also talk about the elementals for Spring and Summer and how important it is to work with them as the seeds that are planted now will  influence the new age.  Consciousness is changing and our perceptions are changing as well.  The number 8 is the end of illusion and the new Divine potential in all of us is ready to give birth. Shirley