Pure Hope

Pure Hope #33 It Runs in The Family, a Psychic Affair!



Come join me “LIVE” on the Pure Hope Show with Echo Bodine.  Echo Bodine first discovered she was born with psychic abilities and the gift of healing at the age of 17.  Her abilities include clairvoyance (seeing), Clairaudience (hearing), Clairsentience (Sensing), and Clairgustance (smell).  She has been teaching classes since 1981 and has appeared on numerous national television shows including Sally Jesse Raphael, Sightings, Beyond with James Van Praagh, NBC’s The Other Side, Un-explained Mysteries, NBC’s Today Show, A&E, and Encounters. Paranormal Borderline did a feature story on her family, calling them the “world’s most psychic family.” Come join us on Tuesday, November 24th at 700p.m. for an outstanding show with Echo.