Pure Hope

Pure Hope #37 Faeries, Gnomes and Elves!



My guest on the show will be Laura Walthers who grew up in the Midwest where she loved playing in the trees and spending time in nature. With over 15 years’ experience as a professional photographer, Laura uses her creative muse to discover the hidden realms of the “Faerie.”  Her life took on a whole new dimension when she photographed a group of nature beings while on a hike with her daughter and husband in Washington State. She began to photograph REAL faeries, gnomes, elves and the energetics of sacred trees in nature. And then, they began to communicate with her! She was asked to help humanity awaken to the consciousness that is Nature and to teach people about the sacred relationship we have with the elemental realm. Her new book, Life in Nature Revealed; Real Photographs of Faeries, Gnomes and Elves is a compilation of what she calls her “Conscious Photography” collection. She has actual photographs of the Elementals taken on such spectacular sites in nature, such as the Redwoods of California, the Oly