Pure Hope

Pure Hope #44: What do you do when you feel Stuck?



Jeffrey Van Dyk is an international speaker, strategist, and guide who works with highly successful leaders and founders in the second half of life who know that they are meant to transition into their legacy and have a meaningful, lasting impact on the world.  While at Microsoft, Jeffrey personally designed speaker training systems to help top executives and global leaders like Bill Gates, Peter Jennings, Tom Peters, Dan Pink, former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and more.  To help them share their message more effectively with the world through online technology.   Please join us live and if you want to be on the program with us please call this number 213-559-2974 and press the number 1 and Tom our director will take your phone call and let us know that you have a question.   It you feel stuck and not knowing which way to go and or how to get motivated through faith this is the program for you.  Please let others know about this program and join us for this amazing program.