Pure Hope

Pure Hope #49 : You'll See It When You Believe It



Please join me and my guest who is a "Star Being."  Her earth name is Shirley B.  She does not hesitate into being who she is.  She has relaxed into her sacred self and her sacred contract by helping us through initiations that help us change our DNA.  She is a woman who is being assisted by Cosmic Source to help people step into their own self Mastery.  Full disclosure of your true being is at the top of the list at this time.   And on this program she will help us with this process.  Shirley B is a daughter of Holocaust parents which has certainly shaped her life in many ways.  She has been able to pick up Spirits since she was the age of 6 years old.  At the age of 8 she knew she had full blown physic powers and abilities.  She now is an intuitive reader, a medium and energy worker.  She is known for bringing in Movie Stars and other Leaders on the other side.   I fully trust her and she is a very close friend of mine who has helped me with my Mastery!  Please join us on March 28th, Tuesday at 7:00p.m.   T