Pure Hope

Pure Hope #58: Divine Equations



Rev. Kari Chapman, was extremely intuitive at a very young age.  Not wanting to be different she tried to fit in.  But at the age of 15,16 and 18 she began to have a conscious connection with Angelic Beings and since then it has never stopped!  Rev. Kari Chapman is the founder and director of the Namaste' Spiritual Center in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. She and her retreat center is dedicated to helping people maintain a life of love, light, peace, forgiveness, spiritual integrity and service to the world. With her counsel and guides and angels and holy ones she will share with us her "Divine Equations."    Telling us what they are and what they can do for us and the world. Please join us for a LIVE show on December 12, at 7:00 p.m.   You will be able to join in on the discussion by calling  213-559-2974 press the number one and Tom our director will get you on the air with us.   It is always wonderful to hear from our listener's.   Kari will be doing a LIVE on the air "Divine Equation" to help us move into the