Pure Hope

Pure Hope #59: A Gateway to the Galactic Community



World Renown Christine Day will be with us LIVE on January 30th at 7:00 p.m.   Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has been in communication with the Pleiadians.   She is known at the "Pleiadian Ambassador."   She is a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel.  She is globally renowned for her powerful and life changing Transmissions of Light that she channels from the Pleiadians and the Galactic Community to create high frequency Communication Portals for transmissions.   She inspires people with a clear frequency of Truth that she transmits out as she speaks.  She carries a pure energy of love that can be experience throughout the audience.   She has been traveling world-wide bringing two individual bodies of cutting edge healing methods that she channel from the Pleiadians- Amanae and Frequencies of Brilliance. Christine has been initiated by the Pleiadians in the Shamanic traditions and has lead many vision quests in different areas of the world.   Please join us LIVE on the program b