Pure Hope

Pure Hope #62: Animal Communication, Telepathy and The Energy of Animals!



Lori Ann Spagna will be our guest on Tuesday, April 24th at 7 p.m., Lori Ann is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Teacher, Ascension Guide, Intuitive, Multi-Dimensional Channel, Energy Healer, Visionary, and Luminary.  A few of her books:  Learn Animal Communication and Communicate with your pets and any Animal, Animals in the After Life: Surviving Pet Loss and Turning Grief into a Gift.   Animal communication is possible!  If you are an animal owner you might be very interested in tuning in!  Animals carry extraordinary unconditional love for their owners.  They are so happy to be communicating and expressing themselves to us as they truly only want to give helpful and loving information.   Animal communication allows you to learn more about your animal's thoughts, feelings, needs and physical health.  Come join us for this very loving and helpful investigation in learning more about animal communication.    Lori Spagna radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Ma