Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Natural Foot Solutions to Resolve Pain and Avoid Surgery with DL Walker



Are you Suffering from Foot, Knee, or Hip Pain? Foot Dysfunction is a silent epidemic affecting most of us? For example, consider that 25% of the World’s Population has Bunions. Our feet are our foundation. If the foundation is cracked or crooked the house will eventually crumble.  So if you have pain in your body; particularly with standing and upright activities, if walking is difficult, and if your balance could be better, then you will want to tune in and find out what you can do Naturally to Resolve it. DL has enjoyed a 28-year career in health care, including degrees and certifications in; Fitness, Exercise Science, Physical Therapy, and Manual Therapy.  She has developed Trademarked Techniques that change the look, feel, and function of feet almost instantly. She now consults with and teaches professionals and individuals from all over the world and all walks of life her Foot Freedom Formula™.   She has discovered that: Healthy feet make a happy body.   Listen in to find out: Why dysfunctions in the