Coach Cafe' Radio

Discover Your Life Purpose with Coach Estra Roell



Coach Cafe' Radio is THE Self Empowerment Place to meet where you get your weekly cup of inspiration with Certified Master Life Coach Kathleen Martin, LOACC.  Call in with your questions and comments to 646-649-1015. Are you still struggling to tap into your true life purpose? Do you wake up loving your life or do you dread the day? Have you lost your passion for life? Learn how to finally live your life on purpose with guest expert Certified Life Coach Estra Roell and how to join her upcoming webinar “4 Essential Keys to Discovering Your Life Purpose.”  Estra Roell is a certified Law of Attraction Life Coach, Certified Life Purpose Coach, a Happiness Generator workshop facilitator and an Advanced Psych-K® facilitator for rapid belief change.  She is a co-author of the books "101 Great Ways to Enhance Your Career" and "How To Create A Rich, Successful, and Fulfilling Life: Dynamic Tools for Overcoming Obstacles and Creating Rapid Transformation".  Known as America's Life Purpose Coach, it is her passion to