Faith To Conquer Fear

From Corporate America to Entrepreneurship



Join Christy Demetrakis and her guest Dawn Mitchell, owner of The Corporate Couch for "From Corporate America to Entrepreneurship"  On this episode of the "Sell your Message, Dawn Mitchell will share insights on her transition from Corporate America to owning her own business.  She will also provide a preview of what she will share at the upcoming "2nd Annual Faith to Conquer Fear: from Dreams to Purpose to Reality" Conference. Meet Dawn: About nine years ago, she quit her corporate job. She had just bought a house, just bought a car, and had no money saved in the bank. In fact, she had no plan at all. So what in the world was she doing and why? She was obediently listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit, stepping out in faith, and walking into a destiny that she never dreamed possible.  Meet Dawn Mitchell…an entrepreneur, writer, and speaker with a passion for encouraging and inspiring people who feel trapped within the confines of their job, to identify and walk in their purpose.  As founder of The Cor