Faith To Conquer Fear

Mastering the Art of Surrender



Join Christy Demetrakis and her special guest Dr. Celeste Owens, PhD for "Mastering the Art of Surrender" Tuesday, March 3rd at 6:30pm EST.   About Dr. Celeste Owens: Celeste Owens, PhD, is a former psychologist turned wellness guru who offers wisdom, advice, and tools that promote health and healing from a Biblical perspective. A 7-year Breast Cancer survivor, Dr. Celeste has personally experienced the healing power of a holistic lifestyle and proper nutrition. In fact, her personal battle with cancer inspired her to become a Certified Natural Health Professional and to adopt a clean-eating lifestyle. Now this once self-proclaimed “junk-food-junkie” is thriving post cancer and inspires others to do the same. Dr. Celeste will enliven your next meeting or conference with her innovative approach to health and wellness. Her live-out-loud, transparent manner of message delivery leaves audiences laughing, learning, and transformed from the inside out as Dr. Celeste believes that when one “changes her mind, sh