Ken Druse Real Dirt

Growing Greener Every Day



Gardeners are already "living the green life," that is, caring for and nurturing our home planet by recycling, using organic products, conserving electricity & water, and supporting organizations committed to saving our global environments... ...but there's always more we can do. Planting trees and shrubs is one of the best ways to offset our individual carbon footprint (the name given for the amount of carbon dioxide each of us contributes to the problem of global warming via the amount of electricty, petroleum fuels and products we use, etc.). But Vicki calculates that she must plant about 70 trees each year to take care of her footprint! How can she possibly do that on her one-half acre? Answer: She (and the rest of us) can contribute to one of the excellent organizations planting trees around the world. Also, Ken is trying to figure out how to give away some of the seedlings he has grown for a very special, new on the market dogwood.