Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Pure Soul Alchemy w Gabriella - Success



Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com This show is a healing on Success.  Do you ever wonder if your ideas about success are actually getting in the way of REAL success coming your way? False notions of what it means to be successful came from many places - our parents, movies, peers, role models.  Today’s session is a dismantling of the ideas about success that actually impede true synchronicity from steering our lives on our right course.  Join in for this 30 minute soul re-alignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.   Have in mind, one area in your life where you feel SUCCESS eludes you which you'd like transformational assistance with. This is optional and not necessary to receive the full benefit of the session.  Pure Soul Alchemy is a channeled energetic field where transformative operations and procedures are enacted for you while you comfortably relax. Through Gabriella's perception and vocalization of the inner energetic landsca