Lady Fontaine's Eye On The Future

Psychic + Psychologist = Lady Fontaine & Dr Jean Cirillo



Dr. Jean Cirillo is a prominent New York City Psychologist and has been seen on hundreds of national talk shows, as expert guest and staff psychologist. Dr Cirillo author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Self-Testing Your IQ joins Lady Fontaine for a fascinating discussion of psychic meets psychology and how they intertwine. Dr. Cirillo currently is a consultant for such shows and networks as MTV, VH1, BET for reality shows: including "Flavor of Love", " College Hill", "Made", "Making the Band", and "I Love New York". Dr Cirillo will be joining Lady Fontaine to discuss how psychics and psychologists overlap in their views and where their approach differs. Call in for expert psychic advice from Lady Fontaine and psychological guidance from Dr Cirillo! The BEST of both worlds!!!! Get your questions answered NOW!!!