Diamond Factory

2019 - 6-10 YL Diamond Courtney Vogel On Having The Energy To Go The Distance In Young Living



OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL with Host Jen Springer 2019-6-10 YL Diamond Courtney Vogel on Having The Energy to Go The Distance in Young Living Ever feel burned out because you were trying to be everything to your kids, spouse, and YL team? Even if you’re aware of pacing yourself and drawing boundaries you can still wind up feeling fried hitting a wall. Shoot, that can happen just living everyday life without being a YL business builder! Many builders come out of the gate running and hit Executive and Silver, then start to think, “How could I get beyond Silver when my life is so busy now. I couldn’t possibly take on any more daily to-do’s!” On this Monday Night Call episode, we have Diamond Leader Courtney Vogel who is going to share how building a Young Living business can help you navigate back to your core identity through self-discovery as a mom, wife, and entrepreneur. Her journey of stepping into her power is a story you’ll want to hear! What you’ll discove