Diamond Factory

2019 - 06 - 17 YL Platinum Christan Morales On Achieving Your Big LIFE Vision Through Relationships



OurSimpleTraining.com presents the MONDAY NIGHT CALL YL Platinum Christan Morales on Achieving Your Big LIFE Vision Through Relationships At a loss of ideas for people who aren’t ordering every month to encourage them to do so? Or how about ideas to support builders and regular product users through the seasons of the year? There is a fine line between badgering and not supporting enough and some days knowing when to do what is downright confusing! On this episode of the Monday Night Call we have on Platinum leader Christan Morales to share with you how she supports her team while she travels around the country with her family living out of on RV. The dream of freedom to travel around the country full time was realized 2 years ago because of the Young Living business. What is exciting there are ways to find balance through building relationships as you meet people in everyday life keeping in touch through technology and we will talk about it on Monday. Christan also just got back from the YL Lead