Stone Ape Podcast

8: Fish, a Dead Cat and Disobedient Avatars [August 24, 2010]



Heron starts by talking about his lazy experiences of Vietnam and compares family experiences with Tom. They both explore the idea of high school defining the antithesis of reality. Tom offers the War on Greed as a War on he can get behind. Tom continues exploring tax value-for-money. The conversation returns to the idea of success from high school. They continue to explore the idea of desert people of Southern California. Tom explores a memory from early childhood with a Piscine number plate on the road and how a dead cat can have different points of origin. The idea of audio saturation leads into the concept of avatars in the real world. Tom provides a critique of the modern artificial life community. Tom misspeaks Chris Langton came up with the definition in the late 1980s (not 1990s). Tom confesses the best thing he ever experienced in the UK was a nerd-fest. Heron and Tom discuss small luxuries. They conclude with the YouTube form and too many cats.