Stone Ape Podcast

25: A Southern Californian Miracle [January 12, 2011]



Tom starts the show talking about Chris Abbott and Gerald de Jong. They explore mixed feelings of Las Vegas. Tom raises the fact that Heron is instigating terror with his questions of language. Tom offers the postal service is a tool for evil. They discuss books and reading styles. Tom talks about the mujahideen and death in public. Tom discusses future destinations. Heron clarifies some marital details. They discuss the Zeitgeist movement and Peter Joseph. They discuss the open line versus the controlled line. Tom explains his experience of the perfect game. Heron launches a discussion on R. Crumb and the sixties. They talk about the Vietnam War and helicopters. Heron asks about the floods in Australia then the conversation moves to earthquakes. The recording concludes with Fien and Mitch's rendition of Black Hole Sun.