Stone Ape Podcast

27: Because I am Close to the Edge [February 2, 2011]



Tom starts talking about a telephone survey and using the internet to deal with telephone harassment. Heron offers an idea for the children of the future. Tom talks about double speed listening and simulating sub-language apes. They explore a greater gather of lunatics thanks to Stone Ape. Tom talks about being comfortable not talking and understanding women. They explore Asperger reality. (Tom misspeaks the sophists overlap Plato). Advertising damaging television springs up as a topic. Tom digresses into his writing. Heron asks about the artificial life community. Heron reminds himself about a childhood of model railroading disappointment. (Tom also misspeaks about Big Al Mayo's location - he's in CT, not sure where the NJ reference came from.) Tom offers a description of fear, Romania, Iran and Cuba. Heron offers a film for Tom. Tom offers a location for Heron. Heron concludes the show with a little telephone humor.