Follow Your Bliss To Author Success

BLISS Experience: a Memorable Miracle Mindshift Month Moment



Any experience in life can become excellent "fodder" for an author. Also, any experience can be excellent fodder for understanding oneself. This show relates a story of going to a Mexican restaurant and deciding to have the experience of enjoying guacamole made right at my table. It really highlighted my own personal development during my Miracle Mindshift Month. I noticed myself getting ready to deny an experience, and I immediately turned and said OH YES! For YOU this is relevant as well. How often do you play small or decide, "I don't need to have that experience" when there's truly no reason you can't or shouldn't. Follow Your Bliss Radio gives you a snack-sized dose of inspiration, writing advice, book marketing help, product creation ideas, and more. Your host is international bestselling author and Celebrity Author Mentor  Ronda Del Boccio, the Story Lady., who demystifies the technical aspects of being a successful author. Resources Miracle Mindshift Month program will open you up in amazing ways,