The Real Thing Patriots Podcast

IN THE GAME: Why Can't NFL Stop Screwing Up Football?



Matt Chatham & Brady Poppinga return to rummage through the mess the NFL has made of a hard-to-screw-up game like football.  The guys give an in-depth, player's perspective on a terrible Week 4 where despite all wrong, the NFL just won't admit their own foolishness.  The product on the field is increasingly choppy, and fans appear to be noticing with NFL viewship for primetime games down for the first time in a long time. The incessant game interruptions by the referees are making a great sport into a product that's harder and harder to watch.  The game isn't "better than ever." as Commissioner Roger Goodell likes to say.  Nobody but Roger believes that.  And to make matters even worse, the game interruptions are for trifling nonsense the league is gleefully allowing to change the course of games -- like the unsportsmanlike penalty on Redskins cornerback Josh Norman for pretending to shoot a bow and arrow. The league should so easily be much better than it's become under current "leadership."  The guys