The Real Thing Patriots Podcast

IN THE GAME -- NFL Week 6 Preview Blowout



Former players Brady Quinn and Matt Chatham dive right into a review of Week 5's best action, the surprises, the disappointments, and the underrated performances, then they make their way into preview-mode for a huge upcoming Week 6 slate.  Yes, Tom Brady is back with the Patriots...but the Bengals aren't the Browns.  But are they still the Bengals of a year ago...or are they about to fall off?  Can New England put some distance between themselves and this potential AFC playoff contender?  In a battle of strength-on-strength, the Cowboys and the Packers meet in Wisonsin for a classic meeting of great run offense and great run defense.  Somebody is going to surge to the front of the NFC -- there's a good chance one of these two teams is near the top when it's all said and done, with much to be learned this weekend.  The Eagles finally took a step back, but they have a chance to recover some ground in the NFC East against a Redskins team anxious not to lose ground to those surging Boys.  And then those darl