Zerod20 Fracturia - Dungeons & Dragons 5e Actual Play

Episode 33 - Diabolical Denouement



One - well, two - more hells with feeling! As Brilla and Eravan face down unimaginable horrors, we all start to wonder if Keltie and Alyx will stay sane. Will our heroes ever ascend out of the depths of hell into the depths of the pit? Have they learned their lessons? Will Brilla stop being perky? Will Eravan find himself? What the hell is up with that Zenaya guy anyway? Join DM Jarrett as he tortures Alyx as Eravan, the High Elf Rogue, Keltie as Brilla, the Halfling monk, Jalyn as Kavra, the Dragonborn paladin, and featuring Kelsey as Liawyn, the Wood Elf ranger. @zeroD20_