Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

How to Escape the FRIEND ZONE and get into the LOVE ZONE



Tonight we are talking about how to get out of the friend zone and find the love you want. If you are trying to find love but instead you seem to be trapped in relationships with people that label you as their friend, this is the show for you. Being a friend is great but may not be much fun when you know you want more.... For those who don't know the term, "the friend zone" refers to a situation where one individual in a friendship develops more intense feelings and wants to become "more than friends" with the other person. More often than not, the other person is unaware of the friend's desires and quite happy in the friendship-only arrangement. As a result, the person is "stuck" in the "friend zone", unable to transition from just friend to lover, partner etc. Let's talk about it!! 3479457556