Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

Are Open Relationships undermining traditional values?



Tonight we will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of Open Relationships. Given divorce figures are so high in the Western world is this a 21st Century Solution that works? Is this becoming the accepted way to conduct love relationships? How does it work if one or both parties want a family? Can you heart still be broken if you are involved in this type of arrangement? We are having an open, honest conversation about this question. Join us on 3479457556 Sign up for a one to one relationship coaching with Ebony  @ www.ebonyempress.co.uk. A Skype connection is available on this site if you want to speak to Ebony. Email: ebonyempressuk@gmail.com we would love to hear your feedback on this show. Connect with Hilton @ www.hiltonsamuel.com Please feel free to comment on this show in the chatroom. See you at the top of the hour!!