Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

How can you know my thoughts when I don't speak them?



Tonight in the Talk back Lounge we are talking about how we communicate our thoughts and feelings with others. Why is it so hard to tell it like it is? In life there are so many opportunities to communicate with people around us. The thing we sometimes fear most is to speak our minds or share what's on our heart. Somehow the truth of what we are thinking or feeling get's stuck in our throats and we struggle to let it out. Saying what we think to someone who isn't related to the person we need to talk to is easy. We can rant on about what that person said or did, or should have said or should have done but when that person is present we cannot speak our truth. Why is gossiping so destructive? Let's talk about it..... If you believe you are a child of God how is this issue for you? Call in on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom Follow this show @ http://www.lightfm.net  Mike Johnson is the producer