Ebony Empress Shows - Ebr Award Winner

Recognising Emotional Unavailability and avoiding it's trap



Tonight we are talking about how to recognise your own emotional unavailability. It is not uncommon for most people to at some point in their life experience a relationship with someone emotionally unavailable.  When you find you are attracting emotionally unavailable partners you need to check in with yourself. The problem may have something to do with what's going on inside you. Lady Tee and Ebony will be talking candidly about their own experiences and how you connect with those who seem to have shutdown and left the building.  What are the red flags that tell you something is seriously wrong with this picture? How do you ensure you do the work with yourself before you start throwing stones, knowing you live in a glass house? Join us on 3479457556 or comment in the chatroom http://www.ebonyempresstv.com