South Carolina Focus

Selecting the Spoleto Festival USA Orchestra



They are sure signs of Spoleto in downtown Charleston; instrument toting musicians and scorching heat. Among the jostling violin cases, is Shannon Fitzhenry. She’s back for her second year with the annual Spoleto Festival USA Orchestra, one of 92 musicians chosen to play. “The goal is to get up in time to warm up before rehearsal,” she laughs. The Charleston native grew up with Spoleto, but admits she didn't fully appreciate it until she moved away to study music at the Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore, Maryland. “I started hearing more about Spoleto from non-Charlestonians and realized I really needed to go back and experience the festival.” So, like hundreds of other musicians, she auditioned with Spoleto Festival USA Orchestra director and conductor John Kennedy. He’s been hand picking its members for nine years. “Our festival is the only one where the music director travels around and personally selects who will play in the orchestra,” says Kennedy. His quest for the very best