Annette Coleman The Artist's Voice

105-Checking in on Art Goals for 2012, where are you?



With Co-Host, Suzanne Fraizer. Are you keeping on track for your Art Career? Review your goals that you set at the first of the year. Plan with goals 1 year, 2 years and 5 years out. What are the milestones to get there? Too many times we don't check-in during the year to see if we are on track. June is a great time to course correct. Are you adding different venues to show your work? A new gallery? A new art fair? Are you going to take any classes, on art on business? New media? Publicity? How are you going to reach new audiences this year? How about keeping the one you have? What steps are you taking to stand out? Audio for your exhibitions, just like a museum!, Jim Caldwell,, Annette Coleman,,,  Suzanne Fraizer,