Annette Coleman The Artist's Voice

124-Creativity Unblocked for Artists



With Co-Hosts: Ernest Porps & Suzanne Frazier Unblock your creativity through process, small exercsises and your own power. You hold the answers to your own creativity and problem solving. 'Creative Being' isn't a formula or motivational system. Uncover and and empower your creative energy at work in our studos and our lives. Call in and be a part of the discussion. Guest Hosts: Ernest Porps, Author of Creative Being Sponsored by: 88 88ArtLook, Here's how to be prepared to call in live on the show: 1. Introduce yourself, talk about your work and how it relates to the show topic. You can pre-record your thoughts prior to the show by calling: 419-862-5665 by Weds evening prior to Thursday's show. NEW! record on your memo function on your phone and email to: a few hours in advance of the show.