Bright Side With Tekneshia

Secret Struggles of a Single Mother with Betty Mayfield



Betty Mayfield is a Mississippi native, who demonstrates how anyone can overcome life’s obstacles. Her experiences in life have led her to become an essential motivational speaker. Ms. Mayfield is highly certified to work with families and children. She is the author of Secret Struggles of a Single Mother and is in the process of publishing a series of children’s books. Ms. Mayfield is also the CEO/Founder of S.M.O.O.T.H (Single Mothers Owns Our True Healing) ™ a nonprofit organization that informs, impacts, and improves the lives of single mothers. These life changing projects has allowed her to travel the United States speaking to a variety of audiences at universities, churches, community outreach programs, high schools, teen summits, business, etc. Ms. Mayfield knows her call to society. She is also an ordained minister at Dominion and Power Family Life Center and mother to her beloved son Jordan. Twitter: SMOOTH1985 Instagram: smoothmothers