Scott Cluthe's Love Cafe

2013 Astro-Cast with Astrologer Gwynne Mayer on P I Radio !



Join Scott Cluthe on Twitter: Join Scott's Side Kick Seymore Foxhole on Twitter ! Tuesday night at 8 EST-7 CST-6 MST-5 PST Scott Cluthe welcomes back  Psychotherapist-Astrologer Gwynne Mayer. Gwynne’s Web Scott Cluthe welcomes back Gwynne Mayer tonight for an review of 2012 and Gwynne's predication and insights on what 2013 holds for everyone as "Written in the Stars". We will also take your personal calls so be sure to call early to get through! Call in Line: 347-308-8478 GwynneMayer has years of experience in psychotherapy, religious studies and the understanding of the ancient wisdom as seen in astrology and divination processes that occurred many thousands of years past. She brings to her clients the knowledge of ‘repeating past lives’, ‘karmic retribution’, and understanding the psychic underpinnings of one’s astrological chart. Through the last forty years, many have said that her approach has saved them thousands of dollar