Scott Cluthe's Love Cafe

Intuitive Carmen Harra Goes Through Hurricane & Helps with Yours ! LIVE 2 Nite



LIVE Wenesday - 7 PM EST- 6 CST- 5 MST- 4 PST with Scott Cluthe and Carmen Harra, Ph D.  Carmen Harra just lived through a Hurricane but all of us seem to have one right now. Call in for this world famous Intuitive LIVE 2 Nite Join Scott in The LOVE Cafe FB Group The New LOVE Cafe Web Site-Join Newsletter HERE Carmen Harra, Ph.D. is a gifted Intuitive and host of a highly rated radio show in NYC on WABC. She joins LOVE Cafe host Scott Cluthe to give her psychic impressions of what the rest of 2016 might bring with your personal phone calls too ! Find out what Carmen Harra Ph.D. sees for the rest of 2016 and the wild ride we might be in for personally & globally. Then Carmen takes your LIVE phone calls. Call in LINE LIVE: 347-308-8478 First Calls-First on the Air with Carmen ! Carmen Harra, Ph.D. has recently released a new book, Karma Queens. Licensed clinical psychologist, intuitive counselor, and upcoming Bravo celebrity Carmen Harra shows readers the power of karma! When it comes to our inter