Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke

Get Inspired w/Author& Producer Christine Redlin



As we move into the second half of 2012, I like to bring you back to your resolutions for 2012. Was one of those resolutions to “save money?”  Do you enjoy living a life of luxury, but you don’t think you can afford it? Would you like to learn how to take the stress out of your finances by following simple easy suggestions that can help you achieve that? Well if you answer yes and you like to learn more, you are in for a treat. Meet a Real woman who learned how to find the away to live a life of luxury on a shoe string budget. My guest Christine Redlin is The Real Woman of Beverly Hills; she is the Author of “Life On A Shoestring ... In Beverly Hills?" Christine, Is here to share her story with you, through her words of wisdom and through her book. Christine’s book is fun, clever and full of great suggestions and ideas to cost savings, while enjoying life. Christine is here to empower you and to inspire you to Feel and Think Better than ever! Christine is also an award-winning film and educational tele