Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke

Reclaim your personal Power



Is it easy to forgive and to forget?  Are you denying yourself the right to let go and to be free? While it is certainly isn't easy, but it is absolutely necessary to learn to let go to avoid any physical, mental or emotional problems. "Everybody's got a past. The past does not equal the future unless you live there." -- Tony Robbins Regain your personal power, start looking forward to a happier future. There are so many benefits of letting go and forgiving. You can improve your health, you can build a stronger immune system, and you can achieve more in your life personally and professionally. So don’t give your power away, instead regain it by learning how to forgive and to let go of anything that is no longer serving you. My guest Today is Dr. De Canto. Today we'll discuss this sensitive topic, then Dr. DeCanto will walk us through a guided Mediation on Forgiveness. Disclaimer: This is not therapy, and this show is intended to be thoughts provoking and will not replace professional  therapy. Please seek