Your Life Now Show With Coach Rea Wilke

Yesterday is gone Tomorrow is in the Work NOW is where we need to BE



As 2018 closes up soon and 2019 is only days away; it is time to feel good, real good. Why you may ask, because something new is approaching real fast, new hope for a better tomorrow is in the horizon. So if you are feeling down right now, shape up, stand up high and look up into the sky and imagine yourself moving into the New Year, keep looking and see your life in a new way, celebrate this moment, breathe it in, close your eyes and anchor that image in your mind and in your heart. Give thanks for all the stepping stones 2018 build for you. Give thanks for the New Year, for all the good and all the blessings coming your way. This is the beauty of life, it keeps on moving and keeps on giving- It is your job to decide to get on the wagon of life and choose the good and let go of the old to make room for the new. You are amazing, and you can only get better. Love and gratitude for today, and for a better tomorrow. Rea For more information, contact us at: