Native Trailblazers

Nataanii Means – Native Hip Hop artist, filmmaker and activist



This Friday: We Welcome Nataanii Means – a talented Native Hip Hop artist, filmmaker and activist, embracing his Oglala Lakota, Navajo, and Omaha ancestry. According to Nataanii - "It's hard to be young, and Indian in today's world. This is the story I’d like to tell." Click here to visit Nataanii Means on Facebook She:kon from Native Trailblazers!  The award-winning Native themed online radio show. Friday's 7pm EST with hosts Vincent and Delores! Join us live in our chat room - Here's How  Website & Mailing list sign-up:   Vincent Schilling (Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media, Inc.) Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling Media, Inc.)