Go Within Or Go Without Radio

New Release: Beyond Rain of Gold with author Victor Villasenor



Beyond Rain of Gold is the incredible story behind the writing and publication of Victor Villaseñor’s national bestseller Rain of Gold. In the process of ensuring that his family’s saga would be published as the authentic, true account it was, Villaseñor forged a sacred bond with his father and his indigenous ancestors, who were guiding him from the Other Side. The book eventually became a national bestseller and an enduring favorite of millions of readers. Yet the story doesn’t end there. Villaseñor’s connection with the Spirit World continued to deepen, awakening him to the ongoing miracles inherent in everyday living. He discovered that his life had suddenly taken on a magical quality, with events occurring that transcended the boundaries of what is normally considered “reality.” Beyond Rain of Gold encompasses the magical messages that Villaseñor’s indigenous ancestors told him are universal themes common to native peoples everywhere on this planet . . . and at one time we were all indigenous.