Go Within Or Go Without Radio

Embracing adn Understanding Neurodiversity



In an article written by my guest LEARNING, UPSIDE DOWN, she asks the question about what we call in our society "disabled" "The question that begs that choice is simple. Who is the different one? The learning disabled or the learning abled? An age-old question, really. Them, or us? If we can answer that question, we have merely exposed our own innate prejudice and judgment. There is no them or us. We are one and the same, human in our form, different in our abilities, each with much to offer, without either, the world a duller place. Perhaps it is time our language reflects that." LC Join Daniel in this very intriguing conversation about how we see people our society calls disabled. My guest Laurie Crookell is a writer, speaker, dog-lover, and endless fan of all things Seussical, she is part dreamer, part zany, and part educator. Laurie holds a BA in Economics, and works as a math and literacy specialist for children with learning differences. She also owns a freelance writing company, Where Words Are Art