Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Protecting Bees and Pollinators with Kim Eierman



Kim Eierman is the founder of EcoBeneficial!  She is an Environmental Horticulturist specializing in ecological landscapes and native plants. Kim teaches at the New York Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, The Native Plant Center in NY, Rutgers Home Gardeners School and several other institutions.  She is an active speaker on many ecological gardening topics, presenting at industry conferences, garden clubs, nature centers, Audubon Society chapters, beekeeping groups, and other organizations interested in environmental improvements.  Kim also provides horticultural consulting to homeowners and commercial clients. In addition to being a Certified Horticulturist through the American Society for Horticultural Science, Kim is a Master Gardener, a Master Naturalist, an Accredited Organic Landcare Professional, a Steering Committee member of The Native Plant Center and a member of the Garden Writers Association. Kim was awarded the Silver Award of Achievement by the Garden Writers Association for their 201