Southeast Green - Speaking Of Green

Why Florida Businesses are Vote #NoOn1



Join us as we speak to Ken LaRoe of First Green Bank. In 2009, Mr. LaRoe opened First Green Bank, the first bank with an environmental mission in the eastern United States. Mr. LaRoe is the Founder, Board Chairman and CEO of the holding company, First GREEN Bancorp. In 1999, Mr. LaRoe founded Florida Choice Bank and was its largest shareholder, Chairman, CEO, and President. He grew the bank to over $400 million in assets by 2006 when the bank was sold to Alabama National Bancorp. A committed environmentalist, he served as chairman of Preserve Lake, a political action committee instrumental in passing a bond referendum for $36 million to purchase public land. He also served as chairman of the PLAAC (Public Lands Acquisition advisory Committee). In June 2013 and 2014, Mr. LaRoe was named as the Central Florida finalist for the prestigious Ernst & Young “Entrepreneur of the Year Award” and in 2015 he won. In 2014, Mr. LaRoe was also appointed to the board of directors of the Brain Injury Association of Flo